Ice Pack


  • Ice Gel Packs | In Stock – Ships Today | Fast Delivery › Ice-Packs
    广告Reusable, leakproof refrigerant gel stays colder than ice. Freeze before use. Dependable, durable and reusable. Thick 4 mil poly. FDA compliant.
    网站访客: 过去一个月超过 100K 名

    Special Offers · Custom Products · Shrink Wrap · Private Label

  • Sigma-Aldrich Ice Packs | Sigma-Aldrich Packaging › Labware
    广告NEW Ice Consists Of Small Pouch-Style Ice Cubes (45 Per Package). Shop Today. Make Your Research and Biotech Production Simple, Fast and Safe With MilliporeSigma.
    Brands: Sigma-Aldrich, Millipore, Whatman™, SAFC, Milli-Q, Supelco, Roche