Indianapolis announced a new solid waste contract that will include universal curbside recycling beginning in 2028.
A new contract deal with Lakeshore Recycling Systems will take over solid waste collections starting next year and phase in universal recycling in 2028.
The Board of Public Works authorized a new contract to bring universal curbside recycling to all Indianapolis residents in 2028.
City officials have said they need will need until 2028 to educate Indianapolis residents about what they can and can't ...
Indy will have a new trash service provider next year, replacing Waste Management and Republic Services. Curbside recycling ...
Trash services for some Indianapolis residents will change in 2026, with Lakeshore Recycling Systems becoming the new vendor. Curbside recycling to start in 2028.
The Midwest company will take over collection contracts currently held by Republic Services and WM. LRS will also help roll ...
Current plans are to have recycling hubs — each with two separate operations — in four distinct geographic locations around ...
It never fails. You thought you prepared the perfect curbside recycling bin only to arrive home to find items left behind. You then wonder, what did I do wrong? Why were these items left in my bin?
Leaders from Republic Services, Inc. and Blue Polymers, LLC, celebrated the opening of North America's first Polymer Center ...
Republic’s second Polymer Center, collocated with a Blue Polymers facility, are designed to produce 175 million pounds of ...