每经AI快讯,2月7日,韩国天然气公司(KOREA GAS CORPORATION)股价下跌超过13%。 每日经济新闻 ...
直播吧02月09日讯 亚冬会短道速滑男子5000米接力决赛, 刘少昂 、 林孝埈 、 孙龙 、 刘少林 代表中国队出战,摘得铜牌。比赛中韩国选手对中国选手进行了犯规。
Olympic champion Lin Xiaojun clocked 41.150 seconds in the men's 500m event to help China's short track speed skating team ...
近日,韩国人气演员金智媛登上了VOGUE KOREA二月特刊的封面,主题为「TIME & GEM」。这一消息一经披露,立即引起了众多粉丝与媒体的热议,大家对于她在镜头前的华美与气质赞不绝口。
South Korea's Go association on Tuesday apologized over disputed rules that led Chinese Go player Ke Jie to withdraw from the decisive third game of the LG Cup finals last week.
The ROK is willing to work with China to elevate bilateral relations to a new level in the new year, Woo added. He also expressed the hope that the two countries will strengthen economic and trade ...
白钟元代表带领的The Born Korea股价暴跌,跌破了3万韩元。以3日上午10时50分为准,The Born Korea的股票交易价格比前一个交易日下跌2.13%,为2万9850韩元。盘中一度跌至2.9万韩元,创下了新低价。 The Born Korea的股价连续8个交易日呈下降趋势。The Born Korea是白钟元代表带领的餐饮连锁企业,自去年11月上市以来,股价呈下降趋势。 The ...