近日,知名科技资讯平台Insider-Gaming传来重磅消息——育碧正重新启动一款代号为“Project Maverick”的《孤岛惊魂》系列衍生多人射击游戏项目。这一决定引发了游戏界的广泛关注,尤其是在玩家之间形成了不小的讨论热潮。 背景与发展 按照报道,这款“Project Maverick”最初是在《孤岛惊魂7》的多人模式中研发的,但为了优化其游戏体验和扩展可能性,育碧选择在2023年初将 ...
IT之家 3 月 5 日消息,科技媒体 Insider-Gaming 昨日(3 月 4 日)发布博文,报道称育碧在内部审查后, 决定重启代号为“Project Maverick”的《孤岛惊魂》衍生多人射击游戏项目。
Ubisoft has rebooted Project Maverick, its new Far Cry extraction-shooter game, originally part of Far Cry 7. The game, set ...
近日,知名科技资讯平台Insider-Gaming披露了一则关于游戏开发商育碧的重大动态。据该平台报道,育碧在经过内部深入评估后,决定重新启动一款代号为“Project Maverick”的《孤岛惊魂》系列衍生多人射击游戏项目。
Ubisoft's Far Cry multiplayer game leaks details and shifts around developers amid company efforts to restructure and ...
据Insider Gaming报道,有内部消息指出,育碧已对其撤离玩法为基础的多人射击游戏《孤岛惊魂》系列新作的开发方向进行了调整。这款游戏原本计划作为《孤岛惊魂7》的组成部分,但由于开发团队被调往《孤岛惊魂7》项目,现已经历重启。
Ubisoft has reportedly rebooted a multiplayer-focused extraction game set within the Far Cry universe and series.
A new report from a noted games industry insider claims an unannounced Far Cry multiplayer game has been rebooted.
Sun Silver is moving to define additional antimony mineralisation at its Maverick Springs project in Nevada to capture the ...
As geopolitical uncertainty intensifies, Australia-listed Sun Silver is moving to position itself as a key participant in the ...