For detailed information on policies and procedures, view the appropriate information below. Request your accommodations memo prior to each semester through the Disability Resource office. Make ...
In such instances, test-takers may request one or more testing accommodations. If you know that you will need to apply for testing accommodations for either college admissions exam, make a note to ...
The College Board, which administers the AP program, offers more than two dozen types of accommodations to test-takers with special needs, which may include visual impairments, learning ...
Eligibility for test accommodation services is determined by the Office of Accessible Education (OAE) and is provided for courses where the functional limitation(s) indicate a need. OAE students ...
A private room accommodation means that the student needs to take an exam in a room on their own with low stimuli. An instructor can be in the room to proctor the exam. However, the proctor must be ...
The Student Accessibility Office will coordinate all aspects of the note taking assistant program. Test-Related Accommodations. Students with test-related accommodations (for example: extended time on ...
Students who have already established or renewed test accommodations for the current semester can request to write a midterm test or quiz at the Centre using the online test booking module. Students ...
The Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on an individualized, case-by-case basis. At a student’s request ...