In the absence of such functional criteria it remains possible that organ-specific adult ... stem-cell population, but one that cannot be prospectively distinguished with available markers.
The adult mouse was also found to have improved cognitive function with the increase in neural stem cell multiplication. Related News Second type of cancer treatment using iPS cells starts in Chiba ...
A research group from Nagoya City University has elucidated the significance of birth in the maintenance of neural stem cells (NSCs).The ... In the adult mammalian brain, NSCs are retained in ...
Aging and neurological diseases limit this exit from quiescence, so we have a great need to study adult neural stem cells in their different cell states. Our goal was to create a new tool that ...
"We were even able to identify the marked long-lived RNAs in two-year-old animals, and not just in their neurons, but also in somatic adult neural stem cells in the brain." In addition, the ...
Transgene expression is shown as (tg) followed by the name of the expressed gene. aNSC: Adult neural stem cell; BM: Bone marrow; ESC: Embryonic stem cell; iPSC: Induced pluripotent cell ...