Ad slogans help us determine the best products for our lives, and the best ones hit us in the feels. While the advertising world has churned out countless award-winning catchphrases, it's hard to ...
The best payoff lines are forever ingrained in our collective consciousness. “For a long time if I said ‘think’, you thought ...
To receive full access to Campaign's content including: Unrestricted access to all The Information and The Knowledge content Access to Campaign's in-depth features and coveted reports including ...
How do AI-generated ad slogans compare to those created by professionals? New University of Minnesota research suggests that the pros tend to connect ...
Does exactly what is says on the tin' In 1994, Dave Shelton and Liz Whiston were tasked with creating an advertising campaign ... with flashy slogans being common. The pair needed a punchy tagline ...
Communicating the new slogans can be expensive too; Ford has budgeted $40 million for the corporate advertising campaign that will roll out its new slogan, "Better ideas. Driven by you." ...
Personally, I’m a fan of Nebraska’s, “It’s Not for Everyone.” Kind of sums up all that wide open space and corn, doesn’t it? And how can you not love Oregon’s nod to its identity with, “Stay Weird.” ...