The Ainu, an indigenous people predominantly living in northern Japan, have a distinct language and rich cultural traditions. Although Hokkaido has the largest Ainu population, thousands also live ...
Tim Anderson’s new book, Hokkaido, is inspired by Japan’s northernmost prefecture, where Western influences and Indigenous ...
Historically, it’s the language of the Ainu people, an Indigenous community on the island of Hokkaido in Japan. In 1972, only 14 people could speak Ainu well enough to teach it. Today ...
The Ainu Measures Promotion Act, which came into force last year, is the first legal recognition of the Ainu as an indigenous people from the northern part of the Japanese archipelago, mainly ...
The site is contemporaneous with the medieval Japanese to the south, who had been forging a nation-state for several centuries. The immediate predecessors of the Ainu, who are the native people of ...
The Ainu are the indigenous people of Japan Hokkaido the northern island of Japan was previously called Ainumosir or land of the Ainu Ainu traditions are facing a critical situation the latest ...
A film inspired by the story of a young Ainu woman who translated into Japanese an epic poem passed down orally among the indigenous people of Hokkaido will soon have a wide domestic release. The ...
In a section to learn about their traditional house, called “cise” (pronounced as chise), visitors find an explanation saying, “We (Ainu people) now live in cise similar to your (Japanese ...
teaching the long dormant language to a new wave of people curious about the Ainu. She tells SBS Japanese that Ainu culture beginning to flourish once again, thanks in part to people such as ...
He was there with a tiny crew to shoot a bear ritual of the indigenous Ainu people of Japan's northernmost islands that was ...
A talk with the director and the people featured in the film. Ever since its official release at the Busan International Film Festival and the Tokyo International Film Festival, Ainu Puri (The ...
All of Japan’s national parks host unique sights that are worth visiting. Akan is home to the Ainu people, an indigenous community that has a deeply-rooted reverence for nature. They have a ...