近期,英特尔公司在提升计算机安全性能方面迈出了重要一步,其提交的专为x86架构设计的漏洞缓解措施补丁系列,预计将整合进即将面世的Linux 6.15内核版本。这一举措主要聚焦于英特尔的异构多核处理器,特别是Alder Lake及后续系列中的酷睿处理器,这些处理器结合了高性能核心(P核)与高效能核心(E核)。
IT之家 1 月 15 日消息,英特尔正逐步淘汰其第 12 代 Alder Lake 系列移动 CPU,涵盖了标准酷睿 i3、i5、i7、i9 系列,以及部分采用相同架构的奔腾和赛扬 ...
IT之家 3 月 13 日消息,英特尔公司提交的一系列关于利用 CPU 类型进行 x86 漏洞缓解措施匹配的补丁,预计会被纳入即将发布的 Linux 6.15 内核。这些补丁主要针对采用大小核异构(Alder Lake ...
AMD is doing great, at least as far as Amazon CPU sales are concerned -- but Intel still has a few horses in this race.
在科技的迅猛发展中,Linux再次展现出其对于安全和性能的敏锐洞察力。3月13日,IT之家报道,英特尔近期提交了一系列针对x86架构的补丁,这些补丁将被纳入即将发布的Linux 6.15内核。此次补丁主要集中在英特尔酷睿处理器的大小核异构设计上,特别是Alder Lake及之后的处理器,这意味着P核与E核之间的安全漏洞将被精准修补。
相较于上代产品 Alder Lake-N 系列,Twin Lake 的 4 个 SKU 主要变化是提升了 CPU 和 GPU 的加速频率。 可以看到图片上方 4 款 Twin Lake 处理器的核心数量、TDP ...
Back at its Architecture Day 2021 event, when Intel shared the core design details of its Alder Lake CPU architecture, the firm stated that Windows 11 was optimized in a way to best take advantage ...
based company unveiled the new desktop CPU line at its Intel Innovation event Wednesday, marking the first family of PC processors to use the chipmaker’s much-hyped Alder Lake hybrid CPU ...
The only real change is that the Intel N150 Twin Lake processor supports a maximum CPU frequencies of 3.6 GHz and features ...
AMD's Radeon RX 9070 GPUs are fast becoming the best-selling ones on Amazing right now, and they've earned a lot of praise ...
Back at its Architecture Day 2021 event, when Intel shared the core design details of its Alder Lake CPU architecture, the firm stated that Windows 11 was optimized in a way to best take advantage ...