Anakin's first blue lightsaber was broken in Attack of the Clones. Anakin wielded Count Dooku's red lightsaber, showing signs of his growing darkness before becoming a Sith Lord. Although Anakin ...
The Star Wars community was rocked last month with the news of the seemingly inevitable death of Watto, the Toydarian junk ...
Revealed by this morning, the latest addition to Disney’s “Legacy Lightsaber” line–the high-end series of collectible saber hilts sold online and throughout various areas the ...
For more in-depth information, scroll down where you'll find details on each lightsaber and links to individual reviews. Best overall While these typically come from Disney's Galaxy's Edge theme ...
Being able to construct one's lightsaber has been a popular fantasy in the minds of Star Wars fans for a long time, and video games such as Jedi Academy or Knights of the Old Republic have ...
(The) Forever Dream, Fly Anakin’s second official studio album, is out in about a month. He introduced it in January with a tremendous posse cut featuring Quelle ...