Anglo-Saxon jewellers made brooches ... There are boars' heads on the end of each eyebrow and a dragon head above the nose. Together they make the shape of a bird with outspread wings.
Aethelbert Name of a king. Anglo-Saxon Baby Names, English Baby Names Aethelflaed Sister of King Edward. Anglo-Saxon Baby Names Aethelfrith Name of a king. Anglo-Saxon Baby Names ...
In the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf the warrior Sigemund has killed a dragon guarding "dazzling spoils," and the aged hero Beowulf battles a dragon guarding gold and "garnered jewels" laid in the ground.
A gold pendant inscribed with a serpent and dragon suggests he was buried with ... “It’s an extraordinary Anglo-Saxon cemetery, with really beautifully furnished graves, a lot of weapon ...
The largest Anglo-Saxon ship burial ever discovered contained ... IRON AND BRONZE HELMET Of Scandinavian design, its crest takes the form of a dragon. It includes eyebrows, a nose protector ...