As per Anime Japan's official site (H/T ... and the madcap adventures of otaku breakdancing group Real Akiba Boys. The full top 10 is below. These aren’t just pie-in-the-sky picks, either.
The sheer amount of options can make it difficult to find exactly what you're looking for, especially for anime with some major titles split up between multiple services. If you're wondering where ...
2025 continues apace with a whole new slate of highly anticipated anime premieres this spring. The spring anime season, which runs from April through June, boasts some of the year’s most ...
Typically, an anime will last for a single season, which is usually 12 or 13 episodes. While these shows can be watched in relatively short order, most of them are arguably better experienced over ...
From the moment Astro Boy first aired on NBC in 1963, anime has been a part of American TV-watching habits, whether audiences knew they were watching anime, or thought it was just another cartoon.