Apache Iceberg的技术实力与AutoMQ在数据湖领域的创新实践,将为企业构建高效、节约且灵活的数据治理体系开启新篇章。在云原生的今天,数据的秘密正在逐步被逐渐发掘,我们期待通过更先进的技术,看到更加美好的未来。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
在数字化转型进程中,用户交互行为产生的多维度数据已成为企业重要的战略资产。以短视频平台为例,基于用户点赞事件的实时推荐算法可显著提升用户活跃度与平台粘性。这类实时数据通常通过 Apache Kafka ...
Confluent is further expanding the AI and analytics capabilities of Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink and Tableflow. With ...
AWS 在其分析、机器学习和存储技术栈中全面采用 Apache Iceberg 开放表格式 (OTF),这是对其广受欢迎的 S3 对象存储用户需求的积极回应。 尽管业界对 ...
AWS bet on the Apache Iceberg open table format (OTF) across its analytics, machine learning, and storage stack as a concerted response to demand from customers already using its popular S3 object ...
Some people hailed Amazon Web Service Inc.’s December announcement that S3 tables will fully support Apache Iceberg as a crowning triumph for the open-source table format. One of them is Russell ...
The new updates in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink are designed to streamline and simplify the process of developing ...
United Arab Emirates, Dubai – Qlik®, a global leader in data integration, data quality, analytics, and AI, today announced the acquisition of Upsolver, a pioneer in real-time data streaming and Apache ...