目前, 已上架QQ、抖音、小红书、《和平精英》《王者荣耀》等1000余款移动应用和游戏,覆盖生产力工具、社交应用、创意工具及小众精品等多个领域。
用户还可以在微软应用商店腾讯应用宝专区体验到为 PC 端定制优化的移动 App。以短视频 App 为例,用户可以通过工具栏按钮进行一键旋转, 在电脑上达成竖屏刷视频的体验, ...
根据IT之家的消息,微软应用商店于今日正式宣布,腾讯应用宝专区已在Windows平台全面上线。这意味着用户现在不仅能在PC上轻松下载与使用移动应用和游戏,还能充分利用这些App带来的便利。 在此专区,千余款移动应用和游戏已整装待发。用户只需打开微软应用商店,便可通过腾讯应用宝专区进行下载安装,安装完成后,桌面上会生成快速访问的快捷方式。
allowing users to install APK bundles and run the program on ARM64-devices. WSATools is a third-party app for sideloading Android applications on Windows 11. It makes the process easier and more ...
Android Central on MSN20 天
This app blows away Link to Windows and Google's App MirroringOne of the main reasons why I put up with Windows on a regular basis is some of the ways ... I tried side-loading the APK on a Chromebook. After again making sure the settings were right, I connected ...
here’s a short guide to help you remove the Photos app from Windows 11/10. AppBuster allows you to remove unwanted apps easily and quickly. In addition to removing such apps, it even allows you ...