当前市面上,大部分知名的手机厂商都陆续推出了自家折叠屏手机,大的、小的,横折、竖折的,甚至还有三折的...花样可谓是越来越多。 随着折叠屏市场“卷”的越来越厉害,迟迟未发声的苹果终于坐不住了,一下子拿出了三款折叠屏设备:折叠iPhone、折叠iPad ...
快科技3月23日消息,据最新消息,苹果正在研究一种可折叠的Apple Watch设计,这意味着未来不仅能看到折叠iPhone和iPad,折叠Apple Watch也有可能成为现实。 根据专利文件显示,苹果正在探索利用铰链设计,让Apple ...
WWDC event serves as a platform for unveiling new software and technologies. This year's is poised to be a big one.
Worldwide Developer Conference is to begin with a keynote video on June 9, 2025, where the company will update its operating ...
APPLE has revealed plans to host a “special event” very soon – with a major free iPhone upgrade likely to be announced. The ...
在科技界持续激荡的创新浪潮中,苹果再度成为焦点。根据科技媒体Patently Apple的报道,苹果公司最近获得了一项引人注目的专利,揭示了一种新型透明盖板玻璃技术,专为iPhone和iPad设计。这项技术犹如多层“铠甲”,强化了设备屏幕的抗刮耐磨性能,并有效降低了反光,特别是在户外环境下的使用体验得到了明显提升。
Apple’s new in-house modems, which started with the C1 in iPhone 16e, are rumored to bring two major product upgrades in the ...
Apple might finally bring a high refresh rate screen to the vanilla iPhone 17. It could be the most discernible upgrade on ...
The A16 iPad is a typical post-Home-button iPad design, with a slim-ish symmetrical bezel running all the way around a ...
Apple could be gearing up to start mass-producing two foldable devices next year — here's what we've heard so far.