Gum arabic, a vital ingredient used in everything from Coca-Cola to M&M's sweets, is increasingly being trafficked from rebel ...
Global trade in gum arabic centres on the African nation – and proceeds bankroll conflict between the army and paramilitary ...
I spent a couple days working with ‪@CiscoSystems‬ ‪@webex‬ going around New York City to film this incredible commercial and I'm so excited to finally be able to share with you guys! Idea is it's ...
As the war continues in Sudan, gum arabic smuggling puts more challenges in front of international companies and local ...
Students up to six years, even at early childhood centres, must learn Arabic The policy is designed to provide children with the opportunity to develop Arabic language skills from an early age ...
New KHDA policy: Arabic language learning required for children from birth to 6 years old Dubai mandates Arabic language learning in early childhood centers for children aged four to six ...
By Joe Zimbler, Guest Columnist  In the summer of 2022, I traveled to Israel and Palestine, where I spoke with refugees, government officials, NGOs and others about the conflict. I swear, I’m ...
Berlin police broke up a demonstration in Berlin's Wittenbergplatz on Saturday after chants in Arabic were heard in contravention of permits, which required that only German and English be used in ...