We've developed numerous Arduino modules for various fields of teaching. Each section is divided into kindergarten through 6th grade and 6th grade through 12th grade. While some of these modules can ...
But [Playful Technology] wanted to control the hands with an Arduino directly and, in the process, he shows us how these modules work. If you’ve never studied the inside of these clock modules ...
You’ve doubtless seen those ubiquitous clock modules, especially when setting clocks for daylight savings time. You know the ...
Finally, your Arduino toolkit will be incomplete if you don't purchase some sensor and circuit modules. After all, you can’t build a precise weather station without a BME280, DHT22, DS18B20 ...
as it offers boards capable of accommodating Arduino projects with multiple sensors and modules. There's the Arduino Giga R1 ...
The onboard TI 5V buck converter ensures a stable power supply, capable of delivering up to 2A, which is sufficient to power external modules. Another noteworthy feature is the RX-TX switch function.