Alexander was a student of Aristotle, a patron of the arts and sciences, a skilled warrior and the builder of an empire. The sword he used to cut the Gordian knot would have been a well-crafted ...
If we want to research a subject, how do we do it? We could read about it in books or do experiments in a lab. Or another way is to find people who know something about it and ask them. Collecting ...
Like Plato before him, who briefly taught Dionysis II of Sicily, Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great in the hope he could turn him into a philosopher-king. Neither succeeded. Aristotle died in ...
34.2 x 44.8 cm. (13.5 x 17.6 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
Interestingly, his tutor and buddy Aristotle likely would have disapproved of Alexander's more hedonistic characteristics around wine. Aristotle believed wine should be drunk only in moderation ...
Everything you need to know about Aristotle Onassis, the Greek business magnate featured in the Netflix film Maria starring Angelina Jolie.