De Freitas, J., B. M. Liverence, and B. J. Scholl. "Visual and Auditory Object-based Attention Driven by Rhythmic Structure over Time." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences ...
This finding demonstrates that the presence of metrical structure is sufficient to engage auditory–motor circuitry. However, it appears to be the more dorsal portions of the PMC that are ...
In Auditory Illusions, Trevor Cox investigates ... On other occasions it helps listeners understand the structure of the speech: we signal a question by raising the pitch at the end of a sentence.
Based on their auditory analysis, they found that the protein took multiple trajectories as it either raced or ambled towards its folded structure. They called the slower transitions "Meander," where ...
English was never formally designated as the national language until now — the United States never had an official language ...