About half of Australia's 25-million strong cattle herd is bred in Queensland state, and graziers say the floods - described as a once-a-century event - could devastate their industry.
Blazing summer temperatures in this part of the country easily reach the mid-40s at this time of year and cattle graze as far ... in most other parts of eastern Australia, with closeness to ...
A major supermarket has insisted its supply chain does not use a controversial cattle additive that has seen customers vow to ...
Peak grassfed cattle producer body Cattle Australia says it is hopeful the Beef Cattle Herd Management method can be reinstated, with some tweaks to provide extra verification to satisfy the ...
Pastoralists in WA's Pilbara region are facing livestock losses as floodwater continues to spread. Rivers reached major flooding after record rainfall in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Zelia.