CIGARETTE LIGHTER SPLITTER ADAPTER - Splits 1 car cigarette lighter port to 2 DC ports, 1 cigarette lighter male plug to 2 female sockets. A 2-Way cigarette lighter splitter adapter extension cord ...
If you plug it in, and it doesn't work, there probably isn't power to the socket. Try plugging in the cigarette lighter - If you still have the cigarette lighter that came with your car ...
That said, the car-lighter-socket-as-power-outlet is not without its problems. The internal diameters of these sockets vary, as do the depths. Therefore, 12 V power plugs usually have spring ...
Even then, you could be better off using the 12V lighter ... car full of gadgets at once, more expensive adapters with multiple ports are available, but these tend to be larger and have a cable to ...