2025 年妇女节,MINI 邀请影后艾丽娅和吕星辰出演短片《好司机》。短片不仅重温了1962 年障碍马术骑手 Pat Moss 与身怀六甲且晕车的文员 Ann Wisdom 驾驶着一辆 70 匹马力的 MINI Cooper ...
It was only the success of the highly popular 1957 Fiat 500, 1959 Austin 7, and 1959 Morris Mini Minor economy cars that turned the tide. By the decade’s end, these cars would establish ...
which will reduce pollution in the river,” said an official of the BMC’s stormwater drains department. “Also, there is a plan to build mini-pumping stations and floodgates at various spots.