Changes in skin are frequently put down to environmental factors, but jumping to this conclusion can have severe consequences. In a recent TikTok clip, Dr Myro Figura, MD, highlighted a warning sign ...
Discover how psoriasis affects immune function and the role of SSAT1 in this chronic skin condition. Learn more now.
Skin conditions such as acne ... trigger foods can help alleviate symptoms and promote gut healing. Chronic Bad Breath: While occasional bad breath is normal, persistent halitosis could be ...
Karishmma Chawla, a Functional Medicine & Lifestyle Educator, explains, “Food is the most intimate part of our body. It ...
Scratching your skin can feel satisfying, but learn how it impacts inflammation and bacterial infection defense.
Discover why your feet smell so bad, from hygiene issues to underlying skin and health conditions, and how to feel fresh again, per experts. Boost Your Wellness This Year With These 10 CVS Finds ...