People under climate vulnerability are often thought to be women and children in the Global South - a damaging stereotype.
Like much of Bangladesh’s coastline ... who oversees Helvetas projects in Bangladesh. “The poorest are the most vulnerable to climate change,” he says. “If they receive support to adapt ...
This framing makes climate change an issue that follows an established pattern of risk. It doesn't seem like a new issue, but rather chalk on the white wall of other political issues such as ...
A striking new visualization made by climate scientist Zeke Hausfather unfurls like a flower blooming in ... Good visualizations can make climate change “more visceral and understandable ...
The impacts of climate change are ... The NETZ Bangladesh, an international development agency, recently conducted an exploratory study to understand the physical causes—like climate-induced ...
The IIED study, "Exposed and Exploited: Climate Change ... soften the blow, like the rural employment guarantee scheme used in neighbouring India. As a low-income country, Bangladesh may need ...
As climate change increasingly ... smart practices like Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) irrigation, which can mitigate methane emissions while ensuring food security. A recent workshop on ...
So you start to see, like, the whole picture that I probably I didn’t see it before. Everything make click. And I started to get more worried about climate change and what we were doing or not ...