PNG Latest News, PNG Breaking News, PNG, PNG Sports News, PNG Mining News, PNG Economy News, PNG Corruption News, PNG Hunters ...
Banks South Pacific (BSP) is not entirely owned by Papua New Guinea, Minister for State-Owned Enterprises William Duma ...
The National Statistical Office (NSO) revised PNG’s 2023 growth to 3.8%, up from the November estimate of 3.0%, due to an ...
Kiss of Death In most countries securing government business is like having money in the bank. The government payment is almost guaranteed and many businesses actively chase such business. But in PNG ...
TISA Bank Ltd has announced its successful registration on the ALESCO payroll system, a move that will enable Papua New ...
Stephen is responsible for leading the World Bank’s program and staff across twelve countries, with more than 80 projects and operations, totaling approximately US$2 billion in support to PNG and the ...
"I think it's pretty disappointing that after the six loans and 10 years of this problem, the PNG government and the central bank are unable to eliminate this problem of FX shortages." Australia's ...