This training will include CPR for adult and children, choking and the use of the AED defibrillator. It is for people who want to learn CPR but do not need a CPR course completion card to meet a job ...
The AHA’s BLS Heartsaver CPR AED course trains participants to give CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner. Reflects science and education from ...
This class is for the community only and teaches students basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). These both can be used in life ...
The Freeman Screen Team can provide classes for groups including the popular CPR/AED, and Safe Sitter classes. Numbers to remember: In one year alone, 436,000 Americans die from a cardiac arrest.
UMass Lowell Emergency Medical Service (EMS) is an American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid training site. We can train you or your group ...
Amanda Strojinc and Kyle Preissner performed bystander CPR while a man was in cardiac arrest at Menards Jan. 24.
The staff here at WCHS have been busy learning some life-saving skills.The American Heart Association provided free basic and specialized CPR classes. They also ...
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving skill that everyone should know, especially in a country like Japan, ...
Do you have the confidence, skills and knowledge to handle a medical emergency? Learn how at the American Heart Association Heartsaver course to be taught Thursday, March 20, from 12:30 ...
Stephanie and Colin Macdonald began offering classes in CPR, Stop the Bleed, AED Training, and Basic First Aid a couple years ...
Ball said the grants allow UMEMS to expand AED and hands-only CPR ... Rather, he hopes to remind people how to do basic CPR and use AEDs so they can know what to do if someone unexpectedly collapses.