虎扑03月20日讯 NBA官方带领球迷回顾历史上的今天:1968年的今天,1967-68赛季常规赛落下帷幕。该赛季中,76人中锋威尔特-张伯伦共送出702次助攻,场均送出8.6次助攻,成为NBA历史上 ...
虎扑03月20日讯 NBA官方带领球迷回顾历史上的今天:1968年的今天,1967-68赛季常规赛落下帷幕。该赛季中,活塞后卫戴夫-宾以总得分2142分、场均27.1分成为该赛季得分王,他也是近20年 ...
During his time suiting up for the Sonics, Kauffman wore only jersey No. 22 and put up 7.8 points, 5.9 rebounds, and 1.0 ...
LAWRENCE, Kan. - Bob Davis, the legendary play by play voice of the Fort Hays State Tigers and Kansas Jayhawks, has passed ...
During his time suiting up for the Americans, Whitney wore only jersey No. 11 and put up 12.6 points, 9.7 rebounds, and 1.4 ...
The Arizona Republic readers chose Mount Rushmore of Phoenix basketball in a poll on azcentral.com. Here are the results.
the former owner of the Suns who is credited with giving birth to the franchise in 1968 and later becoming the driving force of USA Basketball (1,033 votes). The second-highest Mercury choice on ...