In the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries, many Basque immigrants came to the American West to find work, particularly as sheepherders and ranchers. Boise became a hub, with its train station and ...
Edurne Arostegui is a graduate student at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) since 2012 and at the Center for Basque Studies since 2016, currently working on her doctoral studies in ...
as well as at other American and foreign universities and by collaboration with the University Studies Abroad Consortium to provide a quality educational experience for students desirous of studying ...
Passengers arriving in the US on flights from overseas flights with onward connections must clear US Customs and Border ...
However, where we live in Basque Country, a region between northern Spain and southwestern France, we can get almost anywhere on foot. It's nice to be able to get exercise and enjoy fresh air ...