A small German city featuring several nudist beaches, is enforcing a new 'no trunks' policy, where clothes wearers are being banned despite falling numbers of participants ...
Johanna Parv’s clothes are stealthily beautiful. Hanging on a rail they might appear like ordinary sportswear, but once put on the body they suddenly spring to life. Her namesake brand is the product ...
Female power was to the fore at the strongest shows during Paris Fashion Week, as they paid attention to what women want: just beautiful clothes that make women feel great. Fashion is in a moment of ...
‘For The Glory’ was created by Blue Creator Fund winner Ebele Ojechi, as part of Chelsea FC’s initiative to support and ...
“I have beautiful memories of touching fabric and ... she was only a teenager. She began creating clothes to hang alongside those made by other soon-to-be-major Italian designers, including ...