Behavioral tracking and ad targeting have everything to do with the pesky "Warning!" pop-up blinking behind your browser window right now. The one that could shatter your online privacy. Design↓ ...
Delivering ads based on a user's habits. If a customer registers with an e-commerce site to make a purchase, those sales along with the user's site navigation history are often stored and analyzed ...
Snapchat is planning to introduce behavioral targeting for advertisers, the company's director of revenue operations Clement Xue revealed in an eMarketer report published earlier this week.
Businesses that deliver targeting beyond these basics are poised to take the lion’s share of mobile advertising profit in the future. Behavioral targeting will drive digital advertising budgets ...
Earlier this year, Dunkin’ Donuts rolled out the program to test the effectiveness of leveraging geofencing around competitors’ locations coupled with behavioral targeting to deliver coupons ...
Using a rigorous mixed-methods design to fill critical holes in the knowledge base, we will address whether improving housing quality, limiting external displacement, and creating mixed-income ...
Organizations around the globe are increasingly using insights from the field of behavioral science to help people make more efficient decisions. Learn from Chicago Booth, a Nobel Prize-winning leader ...