Peculiar. But not unpleasant. What is it? It’s a bird dropping. A big bird dropping. From a big bird. I stand up and look around. I’m in the Daintree Rainforest, two hours’ drive up the ...
Caroll Spinney, who gave Big Bird his warmth and Oscar the Grouch his growl for nearly 50 years on “Sesame Street,” died Sunday at the age of 85 at his home in Connecticut, according to the ...
When Jay Falk and Scott Taylor first saw the white-necked Jacobin hummingbird chick in Panama’s dense rainforest, the bird biologists didn’t know what they were looking at. The day-old bird, smaller ...
In it, Elmo, Big Bird, and Rosita are joined by their new friend Kahan, who has a catchy ditty to share with them. Zach Hyman Noah was just showing us how music makes him happy," says Big Bird ...