There are many obstacles along the way. Many blue mussel larvae are swept westward by currents along the Skagerrak coast and onward to the North Sea. But in the Skagerrak, there is a large ...
Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert ...
As spring awakens, many in the Puget Sound region come out of their shells every year to enjoy some world-class mussels in ...
For their study, the researchers compared populations of blue mussel (Mytilus sp.) and amphipods (Gammarus locusta and Gammarus salinus) from the Kiel Fjord, which is heavily influenced by humans ...
Biological collection specialists are divers who travel around the country relocating freshwater mussels and other vulnerable aquatic species before river restoration projects begin. In September of ...
Weeks has been a chef for about as long as the festival has been around — four decades. A former aerospace engineer who dreamed of the sky, his heart, stomach and talents are now devoted to the ...