When sorting your trash, give priority to PET and HDPE bottles ... Throwing bags, six-pack rings and other flexible plastics ...
The Minns government recently announced councils would be rolling out mandatory food organics garden organics (FOGO) bins to ...
As most NYC building owners are aware, since Nov. 12 all trash cans must have a secured lid. Otherwise, effective Jan. 2 ...
A private company, Circular Materials, will contract out recycling collection and processing for Hamilton and handle all ...
CHANGES to the way recyclable waste is collected in Craven will not come into force for two years, heard a parish council meeting. Consultation with residents will take place beforehand to ensure it ...
Cleanup crews work on a three-day window, collecting items set at the curbside after your assigned set-out day.
DPW says you can expect to see those new grey and blue trash bins at your front door by the end of this year.
LETHBRIDGE [email protected]'s no joke - starting April 1 city residents will no longer pay for curbside recycling on their utility ...