Make sure to acknowledge and reward outstanding service to encourage more of the same. Brand differentiation matters. In today's highly competitive business world, standing out from the competition ...
Here are five reasons why your personal brand matters now more than ever. 1. Competitive Differentiation In A Crowded Market In a competitive hiring environment, your digital presence makes the ...
Their insights will help your brand attract the right audience and turn differentiation into a real competitive advantage. 1. Leverage Webinars And In-Person Workshops One way to drive consumers ...
Pursuing, attaining, and maintaining a competitive position in the market ... for answering those questions is to carve out turf that your brand aims to hold against competitors. That's ...
It is possible to create a competitive advantage for the product's seller by creating product differentiation and, ultimately, by building brand recognition. A product that differentiates itself from ...
Pramerica’s Arun Sharma, Satya Nanda and Sukriti Kala say insurance brands lack meaningful differentiation and they need to amp up on attitudinal equity and memorability to be noticed and make an ...