Old-fashioned English bread and butter pudding started out as a way to use up day-old bread, but now we make it just because it's glorious. Crisp-edged and soft in the middle, this is a cosy ...
Beautiful crisp edges and a soft custardy middle - this is what every girl (especially Nigella) looks for in a bread and butter pudding.And it's as easy as mixing the custard in a jug and pouring ...
Butter the bread and arrange four slices, buttered side down, in one layer in the buttered dish. Sprinkle the bread with half the spice and half the sultanas, and then arrange another layer of ...
Cut the bread into ½-inch-thick slices. On each slice, spread butter generously, then top with an anchovy fillet.
Chill and reserve. 5. To make the bread-and-butter pudding, slice the brioche and spread with the soft butter. 6. Start to layer in your dish. After every layer put a handful of raisins and a ...
Jamie is the first of this week's five special chefs on This Morning, contributing a lip-smackingly good chocolate panettone bread and butter pudding from Jamie's Comfort Food. He'll also give a ...
About Multi-Grain Garlic Bread Recipe: A top favourite munch, oven toasted multi-grain bread lathered with a garlic and butter. Spread the garlic butter on the bread slices and put in the oven at 150 ...