Many brook trout populations continue to be impacted by historic land cover alterations and competition with non-native trout. However, as interest in native species conservation has increased ...
On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission began its annual trout-stocking ahead of the upcoming spring trout ...
The best places to fish in Brigantine are north of 14th Street north (up to the State Park boundary), 45th to 47th Streets, ...
With splashes and dashes, thousands of tiny brook trout swam free in several southeast Minnesota streams this August. That represented a major milestone in a Minnesota Department of Natural ...
I follow a lot of different publications and social media regarding the outdoors, especially here in the Keystone State. One of the benefits of the Internet is the ability to access so much ...
The Eastern brook trout, commonly called brookies, was named New Jersey's state fish by the Legislature in 1991 and is the state's only native trout species. Often considered an indicator of good ...
Richfield artist Timothy Turenne has won the 2017 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources trout and salmon stamp contest with a painting of a brook trout. The painting was selected by judges ...