The empress, like many other rulers at the time, legitimized her reign through Buddhism, portraying herself either as a ...
Bhutan’s unique approach to development, based on Buddhism and the philosophy of Gross National Happiness, continues to ...
Buddhism as a Cultural Ambassador Soft power is the power to affect others by influencing culture, values, and ideology ...
While his scholarship is commendable, his interpretation of “militant Buddhism” fails to contextualize the Sri Lankan case ...
The recent transfer of cultural artifacts, including several Tibetan Buddhist relics, from the US to China may help advance the Chinese government’s efforts to distort Tibet’s history and appropriate ...
The Dalai Lama’s successor will be born outside China, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism says in a new book ... the ...
A new book written by the Dalai Lama reveals that his next incarnation will be born in the "free world," outside the ...
In Tuesday's Hoffman v. Westcott, the Court denied a stay of execution; Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson would have granted a stay, but didn't write ...
Every time the controversial former UFC middleweight champion opens his mouth, you can say with near certainty that it will ...
40 In the new RLS, we have broadened the lens to include two additional religions that are often intertwined with ethnicity: Hinduism and Buddhism. The survey finds that more Americans identify as ...