In the weanling ring steers and bulls sold from £900 to £1770 paid for a 361kg Charolais and heifers ranged from £800 to ...
Friesian bull calf prices have hit new heights as demand has seen their price become unrecognisable compared to other years.
Friesian bull calves saw their price quadruple compared witthis time last year. They have seen the biggest rise as calf ...
A new weekly calf sale located in Co. Laois, kicked off on Saturday, March 8, with over 100 calves on offer in the initial ...
In the first episode of the Farming for the Future series, 'The Spring Surge', Eoin Corrigan described his calf management ...
Marlar, an elephant cow at Germany's Cologne Zoo, gave birth in the early hours of Saturday to a healthy calf, a strong ...
Producers should be mindful of environmental and nutritional factors to make sure bulls are fit for breeding season.
A Sydney woman says she “should be dead” following a suspected bull shark attack at Gunyah Beach, Bundeena, south of Sydney ...
Students in Citrus High School’s agriculture program recently experienced the miracle of life firsthand as they assisted in ...
Over 30 of the best bull riders in the world will go head to head against the sport’s top-ranked bovine athletes.