The FWC does not pay people to catch Burmese pythons unless they're contracted members of the Python Action Team Removing ...
Watch this video of a massive Burmese python in a Florida pool. Learn more about these invasive snakes in Florida.
Burmese pythons have been spotted on the Treasure Coast at least 25 times. Florida's fragile native environment has been ...
Eating python one time is probably not going to cause any ill effects, but heavy metals like mercury bioaccumulate in the body and can cause severe health issues over the long term. Burmese ...
EXCLUSIVE: Slithering into SXSW this afternoon at the Alamo Lamar, The Python Hunt is a documentary that might do for the ...
Step 1 for humanely euthanizing a Burmese python: Draw an imaginary line between each eye and opposite jawbone. The brain is located where the two lines intersect. Apply the tool to the target ...
We asked her questions about the invasive Burmese Python for this special video series. This is Part 4. More: Dancing with a python: Florida 'huntress' used quick moves to snag this squirrely ...
What is similar between Asian green mussels, iguanas and lionfish? They are all invasive species in Florida you can eat. Here ...
Producer Lauren Chaffee also worked with Bernfeld on Elara’s Max documentary “Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God.” Two ...