New rumors suggest a delayed May 2025 launch for the Canon EOS R6 Mark III, but we're not so sure it'll come that soon.
去年底关于EOS R6 Mark III的消息热议不断,一度传出佳能将在今年的CP+展会公布新机。然而,佳能最终在今年一季度做出了调整,暂时推迟了EOS R6 Mark III的发布,转而推出一系列APS-C画幅的产品,并很有可能在本月26日发布EOS RV和EOS R50V两款Vlog微单相机。那么,EOS R6 Mark III究竟何时亮相呢?
The Leica D-Lux 8 is selling for around the same price as scalpers are charging for the coveted Canon G7X Mark III ...
另外,据最新消息佳能计划在2025年5月底发布佳能EOS R6 Mark III和两款新镜头。据canonrumors.所知,有一张2025年松散的路线图已经交给了一家授权零售商。 最初预计佳能在今年第一季度发布EOS R6 Mark ...
If you're after a compact camera, the Canon G7 X Mark II might be a much smarter buy than the more popular Mark III model. You see, the Canon G7 X Mark II is technically very similar in terms of specs ...
Canon PowerShot V1自推出以来,以轻巧便携和出色的形象品质,迅速掳获摄影爱好者和内容创作者的心。然而,市场需求远超预期,导致PowerShot V1目前面临供不应求的窘境。 Canon日前在官网上发布公告指出,由于收到的订单量超出预期,因此包括PowerShot V1、PowerShot G7X Mark III和PowerShot ...
目前,有消息称基于AE-1的复古相机将在今年第四季度或在AE-1 50周年的2026年第一季度初推出。这款新型相机被称为EOS RE-1,这个型号被认为是合理的。 EOS RE-1将采用EOS R6 Mark II和EOS R8上的非堆栈式2400万像素传感器,与尼康Zf价格相当(约2000美元)。这不是一个受摄影师青睐的相机,所以它的市场规模比EOS R6 Mark III小得多。
From lens focal lengths and fill-flash to portraits, macro or stunning landscapes there are techniques for everyone. Learn how to use metering, considering composition and shoot everything from ...
In this section you'll find photographic features that explore holidays and photography courses, details about members meetings, trials and tribulations of installing new software along with ...