我们都知道 PowerShot V1,它是佳能对 PowerShot 系列的重新打造。PowerShot V1 将是 2025 年推出的两款新 PowerShot V 系列相机中的第一款。需要说明的是,我们所说的两款新 V 系列相机中不包括可能的 PowerShot V10 替代品。
IT之家 3 月 14 日消息,CanonRumors 爆料称,佳能新品 EOS R50V 和 EOS RV 相机将于 2025 年 3 月 26 日左右发布,同时在全球发布 PowerShot V1。 R50V 定位入门级 APS-C 画幅无反相机,主打 Vlog,小巧轻便,采用 R50 同款 2400 万像素图像传感器,无机身防抖;RV 规格更高,具备主动散热出风口,同样定位视频机。
Best Buy's Deals of the Day are bringing it with a nearly 60% discount on the Sony SRS-XG300 outdoor speaker and a $300 ...
此前已经报道了EOS R50V的存在,现在想知道这个型号的名称是否实际上是EOS RV。如果我们按照可靠的消息来源所说的,它们实际上可能是两台不同的相机。 有消息称,EOS R50 V 将继承目前在EOS R50和EOS ...
佳能EOS R50是一款具备高颜值且性能强大的微单相机。它搭载的APS-C画幅图像传感器,不仅可以带来2420万像素的高画质成像能力,而且还可以实现6K超采样的4K 30P超高清视频。EOS R50轻巧的体积更是让人爱不释手。目前京东商城上,EOS R50+RF-S 18-45镜头套机的价格仅为 ...
Are trying to work out what to buy between the Canon R10 vs R50? Both are brilliant APS-C cameras from Canon, with some very similar specs, so on the surface it can be hard to see what's different.
From lens focal lengths and fill-flash to portraits, macro or stunning landscapes there are techniques for everyone. Learn how to use metering, considering composition and shoot everything from ...
In this section you'll find photographic features that explore holidays and photography courses, details about members meetings, trials and tribulations of installing new software along with ...
With X users flocking to alternatives after the US election, it may not be the worst time for Threads to cash in. 'At the end of the day, we're a business,' Instagram Head Adam Mosseri said in ...