Not flat shapes like circles and squares ... Some cubes of ice, a set of dice, a battered cardboard box. GIRL 1: Now the next shape is a sphere. Try to make yourself into a sphere – a big ...
don’t worry—you can print a template from the internet and trace it onto the cardboard. Just be sure the size is big enough ...
You may also need a foam board or additional cardboard sheet, and packing tape. To determine how large of a box to use, decide what size you want your wall art to be and what 3D shapes you want to ...
4 . Draw ears on the smallest circle for the elephant’s head. Cut all of these shapes out of the clean cardboard. 7 . Make a cut about halfway into the center of the body circles, the head ...
Join Danko, the cardboard girl, and Danta, the cardboard dog, and turn ordinary cardboard into wonderful figures and shapes that are found in everyday life.
[James Coleman], [Nadya Peek], and [Ilan Moyer] of MIT Media Labs have cooked up a modular cardboard CNC that gives ... bend and morph a broader range of shapes into forms from our imagination.