the researchers tested it in sheep with cartilage defects in the stifle joint, a complex joint in the hind limbs similar to ...
The chondral defect is first debrided circumferentially back to a healthy rim of surrounding normal cartilage (Figures 1, 2). Any fibrous tissue or remaining damaged cartilage is removed from the ...
Baseline cartilage damage, higher Kellgren-Lawrence grade, greater pain during walking, higher lateral ground reaction force impulse, greater time spent lying and lower vertical ground reaction force ...
In these cases, the goal is for a more definitive and long-lasting solution to cartilage issues by restoring viable cartilage to areas where there is a cartilage defect. In these cases ...
the use of cultured autologous chondrocytes fills the defect with cells of a committed pathway to develop hyaline-like cartilage. This hyaline-like cartilage more closely recreates the wear ...