It is also likely that chemistry faculty will need to develop chemical biology laboratory courses in which students learn the key methodologies used for the characterization of macromolecules and ...
Our laboratory hopes to access these precision antibiotics through our dual expertise in chemical biology and synthetic biology. Nearly all antimicrobial drugs in use today are derived from microbial ...
Of course, such a focused effort requires resources beyond that of individual laboratories that have endeavored to establish chemical biology within the plant community. Now that some of the ...
Researchers in the Luo Lab with expertise in chemistry, biochemistry and biology work in a highly collaborative manner to develop unprecedent chemical reagents for biological discovery, elucidate ...
The research in An lab centers around protein degradation processes in health and disease. We investigate protein degradation processes using chemical biology tools and unbiased proteomic approaches ...
What is chemical biology, and how does it differ from biochemistry? Chemical biology deals with how chemistry can be applied to solve biological problems while biochemistry is the study of the ...
Benefits of this program also include career opportunities. Undergraduate students work with faculty in undergraduate laboratories as laboratory assistants. Undergraduates who study chemical biology ...
The Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery (CBDD) cluster supports a hands-on cross-disciplinary learning environment for students interested in therapeutic discovery and related molecular sciences with ...
The Master´s degree programme in Biochemistry – Chemical Biology (BCB) is designed to deepen academic knowledge with a focus on experimental scientific work in the areas of chemical biology, ...
Welcome to the Palmer Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder! Our research lies at the interface of chemistry and biology, where the application of chemical and physical principles provides a ...
One course may be chosen from any 100-level or higher course in BIOL, BCHM or NBIO. Two semesters of CHEM 99d (Senior Research); GPA of 3.00 or higher in all courses taken to meet the major ...