A new World Bank report shows that poverty in Africa may be lower than current estimates suggest and no systematic increase in inequality, given the available data Challenges remain substantial: more ...
Save the Children has worked in Africa for more than 60 years. Today, with millions of children and families in Africa already struggling to cope with the impacts of conflict and climate change, ...
Africa is the world’s second largest continent and contains over 50 countries. Africa is in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is spread across three of the major lines of latitude: the ...
Africa Renewal is a United Nations digital magazine that covers Africa’s economic, social and political developments. We cover the challenges the continent faces and the solutions to these by ...
If the redirection doesn't occur automatically, please click the link above. Africa Renewal is a United Nations digital magazine that covers Africa’s economic, social and political developments.
Africa’s working age population is expected to grow by 450 million people, or close to 70 percent, by 2035. New analysis shows that without effective policy change, there will only be about 100 ...