新竹一名女子小臻(化名)控诉,任职鸿海并外派越南的丈夫阿焦(化名),长期透过通讯软体LINE与前女友小果(化名)传暧昧讯息,两人话题露骨,有如「想你脱光光的样子,想着怎样把你吃掉」、「再次进入我身体会有犯罪感」等语,小臻一怒之下将小果告上法院,经高等 ...
Scientists in China used laser drones to count over 142 billion trees, offering new insights into forest coverage and ...
A satellite image of China's to-scale replica of Osama bin Laden's compound has gone viral on social media.
Japan uses the term Sea of Japan to refer to the body of water separating it from the Korean Peninsula; South Korea calls it ...