As much as we would like our climbing ropes to last forever, they do have an 'expiration date.' According to experts at REI, the general guidelines for rope ret ...
One of the most important safety procedures that one can do before climbing is tying into the rope and anchor ... several overhand knots or a double fisherman's knot. Clip a locking carabiner through ...
Learning how to belay is as critical in sport climbing as knowing how to step on the brakes in a car. You attach the belay ...
According to "Climbing: Knots" by Nate Fitch and Ron ... For the hitch to hold together, it must be looped around an object, such as a carabiner or tree. A bend involves joining two ends of ...
Gifts like quickdraws, carabiners and chalk bags are always welcome, while there are also ideal stocking fillers out there, like beanie hats and climbing brushes. We've selected nine of the best ...