Comprehensive clinical audits represent an important component of any QA programme. A quality audit of a programme has two principal components: a review of the policies, procedures and critical data; ...
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Almost 2,000 missed out on being admitted to centres that help cut chances of disability and death from the condition ...
The study introduces G-AUDIT (Generalized Attribute Utility and Detectability-Induced bias Testing) as a data ...
Very little mechanistic evidence was collected during clinical trials – which made rational decision-making very difficult. This approach was increasingly out of touch with advances in our ...
The audit, released two days after a hospital oversight committee recommended Webb be ousted, found that the hospital paid nearly $4.6 million for contracts for clinical and non-clinical expenses ...
Australia’s medical research community is in limbo after a cyberattack took down the ANZ Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR), a ...