研究人员为探究溶剂及处理方式对老化 CAD/CAM 临时修复材料剪切粘结强度影响,发现特定溶剂和处理可增强粘结,意义重大。 在口腔修复领域,临时修复体就像是牙齿的 “临时守护者”,在最终修复体完成之前,承担着保护牙周组织、牙髓,稳定咬合等重要任务。
However new methods of CAD and CAM offer the benefits of being cheaper, quicker and more efficient. JOE Hello and welcome to Tech Bitez. We have a jam packed episode in store for you today.We are ...
Modern dentistry is continually evolving, leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance patient outcomes, accuracy, comfort, ...