THOSE struggling to hear may think a cotton bud is the easiest way to shift wax build-up. But folk are being urged to stop the common hygiene practice for fear they could cause serious long-term ...
We all know we shouldn’t do it, but why does shoving a cotton bud in our ear canal feel so damn good? Life is full of simple pleasures: that first sip of coffee in the morning, luring a cat on ...
With a complete ban on plastic cotton buds now in effect, these are the environmentally friendly alternatives to use instead. As a nation we’re getting more and more savvy when it comes to being ...
Problems often arise when we try to clean out this helpful wax using our finger, or even worse, a cotton bud. Despite many people using cotton buds to clean their ears, manufacturers actually ...
Wait, what? Yes, you read that read. A company in China has made the headlines for asking its staffers to eat fire-clad cotton buds claiming it helped them build confidence by confronting fear.
That's where you'll get your plant cells. Some food colouring - blue or green works best. A cotton bud. And a mouth. It's probably best to use your own. So let's begin by looking at some plant cells.